Hang with me here, minimalism actually isn’t about stuff at all. 

Remember the definition of simplicity: “An inward reality that can be seen in an outward lifestyle of choosing to leverage time, money, possessions, and talents towards what matters most” (Foster). Notice it starts first with the inward. Minimalism can look like simple white walls, plain black tees, and succulents, but it can just as easily look messy and loud and colorful. It is the inside that transforms first and foremost. 

My buddy the Little Prince once said, “What is essential is invisible to the eye.”

Ironically, minimalism shifts our focus from the clutter of this world to the abundance of life in Him. Thoreau once said, “Money is not required to buy the necessary of the soul” and I think Jesus would agree! He says, “Beware, and be on your guard against every form of greed; for not even when one has an abundance does his life consist of his possessions” (Luke 12:15). So, when we intentionally choose out of obsession with materials, we intentionally choose into what life actually consists of. We choose into obsession with our Lord. We are choosing into breath, into wholeness, and into others; into intimacy, community, and mission. In that sense, I would say that contentment and freedom are two byproducts of simplicity in Christ. When we seek first the kingdom, the rest will be added (Matthew 6:33)! Amen?

If it is true that goodness and mercy follow us all the days of our life, then how many days do we miss the goodness in the mind clutter that comes with physical clutter? Our journey is one of returning to the garden and relearning what eternity looks like here on earth. What if we chose slowness and less, rather than hurriedness and more? What if we chose to do a mental clean out and simply reassess what it means to seek first the kingdom? 

Not only is minimalism simply good for the soul, but it is truly an honor to have the privilege to choose into it. I have seen some of the richest people in the developing areas we have visited. They may walk dirt streets and not have a place to lay their head, but that have palaces inlaid with gold in their souls. May the same be said of us when our treasures are in the right places (Matthew 6:19). May it be an honor to choose into simplicity for the sake of knowing Christ more and making Him more known.

I am learning to seek first the kingdom in stewarding my money well in practicing both generosity and self-control. I am learning to seek first the kingdom in having (literally) a handful of possessions and only finding contentment in my Father. I am learning to seek first the kingdom by cutting out media that is not edifying and cutting down my screen time so I am awake to His goodness and mercy. I am learning to seek first His kingdom by continually choosing to care for my body so I can better be a minister of love to others.  I am learning. I am learning. I am learning. Did I mention I’m still learning about this minimalism thing? 

My simple (no pun intended) challenge for you is, what does it look like to seek fist His kingdom when it comes to simplicity for you right now? Maybe its cleaning out a junk drawer or closet, maybe it’s using the energy and money it would have taken to buy something new and putting those into a different outlet, maybe it’s choosing to place your trust in Him and renew your mind rather than let worry clutter it, or maybe it’s simply taking a deep breath right now. The end goal with simplicity is not perfection, but practice. 


Thank you for following along with my little return to minimalism. I can’t wait to keep learning more about simplicity along with Christ and hope to invite you into this journey too! Let’s live simple lives for His kingdom and His glory. Amen.



UPDATE: WE MOVED! Last Tuesday night, my squad and I unknowingly embarked on what would be a 20 hour travel day to get to Puerto Viejo, Costa Rica! Leaving Guatemala was truly the most bitter sweet thing I have experienced in my life, but adjusting to a new life here in Costa is going so well! More on our ministry, our day to day, and life in the jungle later! For now, my sloth friends and I say hello 🙂 


With love,
