Hi everyone!

It has been awhile since I’ve posted and I can give you a long lists of excuses but honestly they’re just that, excuses. When it comes down to it, I just haven’t felt like anything I wrote was good enough so I decided to write nothing. Life is to short to say nothing, so here’s what’s on my heart.

In a few days I turn eighteen. I will be in Pennsylvania with my friends and family. In a year I turn nineteen, and I will be in Thailand with people that are strangers to me now. Life is CRAZY, but life is short. My plan, is to turn nineteen in Thailand but who says I’ll even make it to eighteen in Pennsylvania?  

I am thankful everyday for a loving God who promises me that He has a plan. I am confident that whatever He has planned for me will happen and that it will always be for my good. I know that Jesus loves me endlessly and that He wants good things for me.

I am not promised tomorrow on Earth, but I am promised that I am loved and I am safe in my father’s’ arms forever. One of my favorite songs is simply titled “Hidden”. I encourage you to listen to it but if you don’t here some lyrics that mean the most to me.


Now I am hidden

In the safety of your love

I trust your heart and your intentions

Trust you completely

I’m listening intently

You’ll guide me through these many shadows


As I grow

And as I change

May I love you more deeply

I will lean upon your grace

I will reap because your goodness is unending


You are my vision

My reason for living

Your kindness leads me to repentance

I can’t explain it

This sweet assurance

But I’ve never known this kind of friend

The sun, moon, and stars

Shout your name

They give you reverence

And I will do the same

With all my heart I give you glory


I want to seek you first

I want to love you more

I want to give you the honor you deserve

So I bow before you

I am overcome by the beauty of this perfect love

Thank you to everyone who has been following my journey, for reading my messy blogs, for donating, and for praying over me and my team.

All my love

Abby 🙂