Holy late-blog Batman….I'm blaming this on living in the jungle for the past 2 weeks.


2–# of times I visited Angkor Wat in 12 hours

Sunrise & Sunset

4–# of coolest of cool people I spent the sunrise with 

Team Hashtuk!

2–# of dollars for an essential I heartCambodia shirt

7–# of Benz children we lived with for the month

+1 including our unexpected 2 weeks with Danielle!

23–# of BYKOTA kids we spent our days with

4–# of special needs kiddos Molly and I spent our mornings with every day

4000–# of Cambodian Riel to 1 US Dollar

30–# of stairs I climbed to our room 

6–# of girls living in 1 bedroom

3–# of girls sleeping in 1 bed!  Poor Molly got the middle, I lucked out with the end.

10–# of BYKOTA kids we decked out with back-to-school swag

19–# of stickers Lily Bug managed to fit on her legs during church

1–# of fluffy guard dogs that watched over our front gate

4–# of years the Pol Pot Khmer rule terrorized Cambodia in the late 70s leading to the nation's devastating genocide

2–million people killed during the Cambodian genocide

7–# of BYKOTA kids' birthdays we celebrated in one party

3–# of times I watched The Little Mermaid in one week

4–# of back massages I got from little feet

2–# of professional photos Molly and I got taken randomly one afternoon for our driver, Boo's, tuk tuk. Yes, somewhere in PP there's a tuk tuk buzzing around with my picture hanging in it.  I need to remember to use that in my next game of 2 truths and a lie.

2–# of teeth we lost/pulled out one morning

Too many–# of facial expressions Hope beguiled me with every morning

3–# of WRs we fit into a hostel bathtub


Thank you Benz family for welcoming us into your home and lives.  Cambodia, you're beautiful.  Thanks for an October I won't forgetheart.