Woah, I'm a major procrastinator.  But when your life looks like mine does you really don't prioritize life updates as much as you should.  At the end of month #4 N Squad joined for our second debrief in Brasov, Romania.  Due to squad leaders being raised up teams we're subject to some unavoidable changes.  My team leader, Eric was moved to another team, Julie was raised up to our new team leader and we gained a new brother rounding out our new 6-person family.  

First team outing in Brasov, Romania


So let me introduce you to Jan.  Fun facts about Jan:

  • He's from Germany.
  • He tells the best/worst jokes of all time.
  • One of his top priorities after the Race is to get a blender.
  • He's one of the most Spirit-led people I've met in my life.

Gardening in L'viv

So with a new team came a new name.  We are now Team Blessed Longing.  This term came from a book Julie was reading entitled The Reason for God by Timothy Keller.  He talks about an unarguable appetite or desire for beauty, meaning of life, etc.  Goethe names this selige sehnsucht or blessed longing.

"We not only feel the reality but also the absence we long for.  

Doesn't the unfulfillable longing evoked by beauty qualify as an innate desire?  We have a longing for joy, love, and beauty that no amount or quality of food, sex, friendship or success can satisfy.  We want something that nothing in this world can fulfill."

We come alongside each other for the next 6 months with a common longing for God.  We want Him to guide us as we enter each country, each culture, each person.  

And so I need to ask a favor.  Three of my five teammates are in need of support in the next 2 weeks.  Each person on our squad is supposed to be fully funded by the start of July.  Unfortunately Jesse, Kyle and Jan are each a few thousand dollars away from their fully-funded mark.  I was blessed beyond reason to receive all my funds by month #3, and so I need your help.  If you feel called to donate please visit each of their blogs below, or if you'd like to get the word out you could share their blogs on Facebook.  Anything helps!  

Jan Thoden: http://jan-luetjethoden.theworldrace.org/

Jesse Stanford: http://jessestanford.theworldrace.org/

Kyle Stinnett: http://kylestinnett.theworldrace.org/