Question for World Race Alumni: Have you ever sat down knowing God is telling you to write a blog and having no idea what direction it should take?  That's where I'm at right now.  My mind is jumbled.  My thoughts are strong but varied.  My heart is heavy but full.  I've been living a utterly different life in the last 2 weeks than I ever have before.  I'm the minority in the city in which I currently live.  I'm with the same 7-25 people at any given moment of the day, 24-7.  I have no control over most of my daily schedule.  Comfort Zone–obliterated.  People around here call it living in "community".  It's not a bad thing, but it sure isn't easy.  Have you ever sat down with those you live with every single night and share your thoughts and feelings, good and bad?  It's exhausting.  Emotionally exhausting.  But, Good Lord, it is supremely wonderful at the same time.  

So as I sit here stressing about what I should be blogging about I think to myself how RIDICULOUS it is to stress about what to blog.  I was sitting outside earlier and decided to take a shower break to push through the "blogging block."  So I asked the Lord what it was I was having so much trouble putting on paper (actually on screen).  When you ask anyone a question the next thing to do is listen to what they have as a response.  What does it mean to listen to God?  My itty brain can be so ADD.  "Lord, what is it you're trying to show me?  What is it you're trying to tell me?  Is this path right?  Speaking of right, what happens if I go left?  Can I get lost?  Speaking of lost, I need to look for those headphones.  Everything gets lost when you live with 25+ people.  Living in community is hard.  Lord, I don't think I'm contributing to my team/family properly.  I'm being so selfish.  See, now I'm only talking about my needs or shortcomings and I started with asking you what YOU wanted to say and all I've done is do the 'saying'."  So, what I've heard over and over again this evening is 

Abby, Be still and know that I am God.
Yea, I know, but what's going to happen next?
Be still and know…
Yea, but where do you want me to use my talents?
Be still and know…
Yea, but why do I worry about how people will receive and understand my blog?
Be still and know…
Yea, but when will I learn to speak with confidence?
Be still and know.
One of my wonderfully wise squad leaders, Tiffany, said to me yesterday, "Jesus slept during the storm.  When the waves and wind rock the ship we should rest in His power, too."  RIGHT?!  Ugh, that is fantastic stuff!  I will learn to be still.  I will learn to rest and be confident in myself.  When I worry about the right words to say I have to realize that my words are not my own, they are Christ's.  They are not words from my mind, they are from Him.   When I downplay something I feel I need to say am I honoring God?  No.  Therefore I'll learn.  I'll learn to be confident.  I'll learn to be a listener.  I'll learn to be still.