Day 146:

Sunset as we boarded the plane to leave Mindanao


Day 147:
Starbucks dates during debrief=free samples!


Day 148:

Purdue basketball and talking to my brother!


Day 149:

Wisdom found in airline magazines


Day 150:

World Race travel days…this is how I roll


Day 151:

Arrived at our location for the month, India Christian Missions


Day 152:

Sunsets from our rooftop


Day 153:

Getting measured for our pujabis


Day 154:

Boys at a covenant childrens home


Love my team!


Day 155:

An adorable little boy I got to hold during worship


Day 156:

Walking the streets of India


Day 157:

Shopping for saree fabric, it was so hard to choose!


Day 158:

The congregation of a start up church we went to and I preached at