• Ministry of the month:

This month my team was at a special needs orphanage in China called Eagles Wings. While we were there we lived in an apartment with our contact and former World Racer Rebecca. We did a lot of playing with the kids who were separated into different houses. They included the baby house (my personal favorite), kids with spinal bifida, kids with severe autism, immobile kids, older kids, and the catch all little kids. The houses are pretty amazing, all having ayis who care for the kids so well. Basically we just loved the kids to the best of our abilities. We also planned a Christmas party for the kids and were able to celebrate with them on Christmas Eve and hand out stockings on Christmas morning.


  • Favorite Memory:

Handing out stockings on Christmas morning. We went to the baby house, where I spent most of my time and really fell in love with the kids. Seeing them get their stockings was so much fun. They loved the suckers and ate way too much candy for 1-3 year olds! Another huge highlight of that day was seeing one of the babies walk, which she had learned a few days before.


  • Biggest Challenge:

Honestly, the cold. It is really difficult to have enough clothes for cold weather on the World Race and I hated buying so many things, so I managed but was definitely cold.


  • Worst Food:

I was so excited for this month to eat Chinese food again and it didn't disappoint! The only thing that I had that I am not a fan of is glass noodles.


  • Random WR Moment:

During our Christmas parties we were supposed to have a Santa hand out the gifts. One of the guys was going to be Santa but the costume was too small. So, by default I was Santa. It was actually a blast and so much fun to see the kids faces when the got their presents (and only one of the them cried 🙂 )


  • Funniest Moment:

On Christmas Day we went to hot pot to eat dinner. Isaac ate hot mustard thinking it wouldn't be bad, but it was, definitely funnier being there than telling you about it. Also, that night we did secret santa gifts. Alex got one use packets of shampoo, but it was in a lotion box. When the next person was opening their present he started to use the shampoo as lotion, we all pretty much died of laughter. Basically those two provided a lot of laughter this month.


  • What I’ll miss:

China in general. But no, really, the kids. The babies were so great and I really miss hugging them and rocking them the sleep.


  • Spiritual Lesson/Revelation:

That God is crazy awesome. I was so thankful that he brought me make to China, and for it to happen a year to the day that I left was pretty amazing. It was also so crazy to feel at home in a place that isn't my actual home.


  • Prayer Requests:

For the kids, that they are able to feel the love of God that surrounds them and He will sustain them and heal them. Also for our contact Rebecca who is finding it difficult to be in an environment where she is so isolated and doesn't have a Christian community surrounding her.