So, there is this little thing called fundraising. To be honest, I'm not a huge fan. There are so many people and groups out there that need money to fundraise just seems like I am one on top of another at times. But, I also know that being able to fundraise is a gift. It is an incredibly humbling process from beginning to end, and can also be extremely encouraging to see so many people supporting you.

With that said, if you didn't know already, I have to fundraise for the World Race, and since I am asking you to prayerfully consider supporting me, i thought you might like to see where exactly your money would go. Thanks to another racer, here is a breakdown…




As a World Racer, the $15,500 is broken down by these categories…

Training Camp–$320 (2%)

Field Support–$620 (4%)

WR Development Program–$1,860 (12%)

Administration Fees–$2,635 (17%)

World Racer–$10,075 (65%)


As you can see, 65% of the funds that I will be raising go towards my expenses for the 11 months.  



My budget is broken down into these categories…

Intercontinental Travel–$4,235.00 (45%)

Food–$1,256.25 (13%)

Lodging–$1,758.75 (19%)

Transportation–$1,005.00 (11%)

Long Distance Travel & Misc. Supplies–$1,115.55 (12%) 

If you feel led to support my WR ministry financially (or through a donation) you can click on the "Support Me!" link on the top right of this page (underneath my picture). BUT, if you support me online, there is a 5% credit card processing fee and in order to not have that fee you can send a check directly to AIM.
Make check payable to "Adventures in Missions" and have this on the memo line "Appeal ID: TWAREKABBY
Send check to:
Adventures in Missions
PO Box 534470
Atlanta, GA 30353-4470
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As always, if you have any questions or just want to talk let me know! Love you all!!!