Home is such an amazing feeling. Since I have lived in the same house my whole life I have a very real sense of home. It doesn't matter how long it has been, I immediately feel at home in my house. One time when I flew home from China I got so excited seeing the Indianapolis skyline because it was familiar, it was home.


At different times in my life other places have felt like home. In college my dorm room felt like home. I have several friends houses that feel like home. But nothing has really ever had that same feeling of being in my home.


That is until last month. The moment I stepped off of the plane in Hong Kong I immediately felt at home. I was giddy with excited and beaming at the fact that I was basically back in China. This was awesome but as cool as it was a sense of fear came with it. A fear that I was feeling the exact same feeling that I feel when I am at 414 S Water in Crawfordsville, IN.


When we actually entered China once again I was pretty giddy. It seemed like I was back where I belonged and I was so comfortable being in an environment that is so different than America, yet I am so familiar with. It was fantastic to be there with my new team because they got to see the real me there because I was already so comfortable in the country.


Then we headed to Beijing, and I really felt at home. I seriously love that city so much. It was so much fun to know where I was, know the cool places to go and how to get around, and not wonder what in the world am I going to do in this town. It didn't hurt that I was able to see some of my closest friends from China while I was there. Hanging out in Julia and Wouter's apartment holding their new baby and talking with friends felt so good, so natural. Spending time with Geoff, Geoffrey, and Hee Sung remembering old times and having awesome conversation was amazing. It is amazing how God created such an amazing support system for me in China, and that is one of the huge reasons that it really does feel like home.


So, what does this mean for the future. To be completely honest, I am not sure. I know that I know that I love China and it has a huge part of my heart. And I know I will be back. When and for what remains to be seen, but I rest in the reassurance that God wouldn't give me this feeling of home for no reason, and as scary as it is, I am so excited to see how China continues to play a role in my life.