Hi! I'm Abby and I was born and raised in small town Indiana. My parents are awesome and have always been super supportive of me. I am the middle of three children with brothers on both ends. They are also both great. My older brother Drew is married to Aimee and they have my super adorable nephew Eli! My little (even though he doesn't say that because he is of course taller than me) brother Cam is super awesome and just started his grown up job. I graduated from Indiana Wesleyan University in 2009 with a major in special education.

For the past two years I have been living in Beijing, China teaching English with an organization called ESEC. While there I completely fell in love with China and the Chinese people and God worked in my life in incredible ways. Through my time in China God really opened my eyes to the nations and deepened my desire to serve others. Because of that I am so excited to go on the World Race. I can't wait to see who God shows up!

ps-read the 50 about me to find out more 🙂