Only two weeks left in Guatemala and I’m absoulutley devastated to have to leave! Here are a few of my favorite pictures that tell a few of my favorite stories from my time here so far ๐Ÿ™‚

This is at an Eco-Market I volunteer at every Saturday. My friend Emilio is working on a prototype for this irrigation system that does not require much room or much water. It’s so cool!


Same Eco-Market with my friend Kayla. We tried a rabbit burrito and it was delicious ๐Ÿ™‚


This is one of the classrooms close to Independence Day. They decorate the walls with flags, balloons, and streamers.

This is a picture of me right before the Torch Run, which I wrote about a few blogs ago. For Independence Day, schools or organizations run into Antigua, get a torch lit, and run back with the blazing torch. I ran with people from my neighborhood. It was a far run, but I ended up running the whole way. Definiteley one of the best memories from Guatemala!


It was pouring rain during the run! Every street in Antigua looked a little bit like this. 


After the Torch Run, feeling like a champion!


This is Lesley. She comes with her family to sell food at the Eco-Market and every week she braids my hair. She’s a pro!


We stayed at a hostel in Antigua for our week of debrief. This was the rooftop view!


My friend Madison is an amazing artist, and one day I went with her to paint the Arch, a famous landmark in Antigua. We ended up having a mini art class with a bunch of kids who’s parents were vendors on the street. 


This is Emilio, the guy behind the Eco-Market I keep talking about. He took us to one of his farms and gave us a biblical tour, showing us a lot of parallels between physical life and spiritual life and the great design in God’s creation. It was amazing!


The farm ๐Ÿ™‚ 


Thanks for reading! I still have over $2,000 to raise by the beginning of November. Please keep praying over fundraising for me! You can help by making a donation (which you can do through this blog), share this with your friends, and of course by praying! Thank you all so much! If you have any questions, let me know!