Hello everyone! Merry Christmas! Even though I’m not spending Christmas with my family this year, I have made a little family for the holidays here in Lesotho, both World Race team members and African friends. To introduce them all, I’ve asked everyone what their Christmas wish for this year is. (FYI there are two World Race teams here, Team FROGG and Team Willow. I’m on Team Willow J )


CINDY(team FROGG) team leader, talented guitar player, grew up in Japan, expert at Just Dance: That her sister would be healed.


CARLY(team FROGG) girly-girl, Christmas enthusiast, manages to look gorgeous 24/7: For her mom to bring her twizzlers on the Parent Vision Trip (PVT) and that her little brother Jude would never stop believing in Santa Claus.


KENDALL (team Willow) loves the ocean, beautiful long hair, knows the entire rap to Justin Bieber’s ‘Drummer Boy’ and shares it often: For her parents to bring her Chick fil a sweet tea when they come to PVT.


MELANIE (team Willow) designated team masseuse, loves studying the Bible, undercover hippy: deeper intimacy with Jesus, the gift of prophecy, rice cakes, Cadbury chocolate.


EMILY WEEKS (team FROGG) team dad, amazing cook, secretly everyone’s favorite: Snow and pretzels.


PIETER (our host) loves pottery, biggest heart in the whole world, cares about us like he’s our dad: “To have hair. I really miss my hair.”


NICOLE (team FROGG) aspires to have her own reality TV show, supplies all of the Christian rap music for ministry, also looks gorgeous 24/7:

For the biggest sushi platter known to man to magically appear in front of her.

APPLE (one of our translators) Real name- Matseliso (her nickname is Apple), 17 years old, amazing dancer, has the voice of an angel and sings in church every Sunday: “I wish to be happy”


CARA (team Willow) gorgeous curly red hair, Boulder, Colorado native, always joyful: To ride a donkey for Christmas.


MAMA FAITH (cooks for us) Real name – Matemelo (which means ‘faith’ in Sesotho), just turned 24, always smiling, beautiful and powerful singer:

For her house to be finished, to sing louder than ever before in church on Christmas, for her husband’s life to be changed and that he would come to church.


TEBOHO (staff on campus) goofy, fun, really, really tall!: To be happy.


BRIELLE (team Willow) team leader, loves The Office, wants to be Michelle Obama: A night full of beautiful stars, laughter stomach-aches, a million dollars worth of fat cakes (dessert of choice here, it’s amazing!), and for people to grasp our Father’s love for us.


JAIME (Pieter’s son) 13 years old, super talented break-dancer, owns a snake: To enjoy the holiday time.


RYAN (Pieter’s nephew) 15 years old, visiting for summer vacation (it’s summer here!), fedora enthusiast: To be with his family.


EMILY WESTBROOK (team Willow) does the crafts for the kids, let us cut all her hair off a few weeks ago (it looks great!), gets really excited about chicken: For all the kids to know how loved they are, Cajun filet biscuit with seasoned fries from Bojangles.


ANNA (team FROGG) from South Carolina, got her whole head braided here, would only ever eat chicken nuggets if she had a choice: For her dad to bring her lots of letters from her friends when he comes to PVT.


LILY (team FROGG) loves Drake, really good with computers and all things tech, talented photographer: To have a really good Christmas dinner.


JOYCE, 15 years old, plays Mary in the Christmas play we are performing in church, lives next door to our base: For the Christmas play to go well.

THANDY (one of our translators) could seriously be a supermodel, 14 years old, cutest giggle in the whole world: To perform well in the play.


JON (Pieter’s son) 14 years old, loves pranks, does not enjoy the holidays, also a fedora enthusiast: That Christmas would pass quickly.


KEILA (Pieter’s wife) taught painting in the bush of South Africa, sweetest woman alive: To have a month break/ vacation.


My Christmas wish is for great memories to be made here, for friendships that last a lifetime, and for cherry chocolate ice cream J. I’m enjoying here in Lesotho with all of these great people to spend it with. Keep praying for everyone in this blog and myself; we really need it and would greatly appreciate it! As I mentioned, we are having a Christmas play on Sunday at church. I hope to have a blog next week about that with a video. It’s so precious and I’m proud of it! I hope all of you have a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!