Month ONE Overview


Well our time in South Africa is quickly coming to an end. This month was cut short due to being our first month but it is safe to say that no amount of time would be enough for me. Through the celebrations and challenges of this month, South Africa has crept its way into my heart. We are leaving tomorrow to head to Debrief with our squad and then we are on our way to Swaziland for month two! To finish off this month, here are a list of highlights, challenges, cultural adventures, and things I learned.

The Highlights:

*On day one of being in Masiphumelele, my team and I had just finished our 36 hours of travel from Atlanta. We had gone from a 15 plane ride, to an 18 hour bus ride, several taxis and one van. We arrived in Masi simply wanting to shower and sleep but instead were instructed that we had thirty minutes to get ready for a church service. I honestly did not feel up to it but I am so happy that we went. I sat in that beautiful African church service tearing up as the women sang African songs and danced around us. The realization that we had finally begun the world race hit me and I looked around feeling so incredibly blessed.

*On one afternoon of street ministry, several members of my team and I went to what they call an “Old Age Home” to have a worship service with the ladies. We hugged, danced and sang with these women who lived through the horrible Apartheid that segregated and devalued blacks from whites. It was powerful to worship with these women to the God who does not see the color of skin.

*Being on the first month of the world race, it was a highlight to establish more personal relationships with the members of my team. We all lived this month in a tiny cement building with no entertainment other than ourselves, bananagrams, and cards which forced us to get to know each other very well. We shared stories, pictures from home, favorite movies, and emotional struggles. We shared our testimonies and grew in appreciation and respect for one another.


*Having to redefine personal hygiene this month was a challenge as we had bucket showers and laundry in the bathtub. We all are pro’s now and I feel like my clothes are more clean here than they ever were at home. J

*Living in a more crime prone area was challenging. We learned quickly after a negative experience this month at a grocery store that it would be wise to have male teammates assist the ladies at night. We also dealt with some things getting stolen and having to hide our belongings in the tiny attic at the house.

*It was challenging this month to not have a place where we could unwind and relax apart from ministry. Because we live in the center of the village, the street children quickly found out where we lived and would be at our house from sunrise to sunset beating at the windows and yelling for us to come play. This was challenging this month, but I might miss this in later months.

Cultural Adventures:

My team and I were able to experience a good amount of culture this month including:

*Climbing Table Mountain

*Exploring Cape Point and Cape of Good Hope

*Seeing Penguins at Boulder Beach

*Attending a National Football (soccer) game between South Africa and Nigeria

*Swimming at Fish Hoek Beach


This month we ate meals prepared by a local woman named Sandeeswa. She made us the local staple food called Pop, which is a salty Corn meal. She also made a macaroni and cheese with fish dish and a couple salads. We ate ostrich jerky at the mall and on our last Sunday here, our team made French Toast on a hot plate in our house.

What I learned:

This month God was teaching me many things including trusting Him, being content in any situation and surrender. Before coming on the Race, it was very easy to say “Yes I am trusting God and surrender to His will no matter what.” It is a different story when every comfort and routine is taken from you. I learned quickly that I would have to rely on God’s strength when  I was tired, love for the children when they poop on me and bite, and for a stomach that can handle food that I don’t want to eat. God taught me a lot about contentment and being happy with what I have and where I am after seeing how blessed I truly am. Looking forward to a new month of challenges and celebrations in Swaziland!


Abby- who is blessed to have amazing teammates who share computers!