So our life in Africa continues and the Lord is GREAT! Our days here are very long but filled with precious memories. Our days here begin at 7am with team breakfast in our home, mostly peanut butter on white bread, porridge, and insta coffee. We then have our personal devotions time in our house and morning chats on our sleeping pads. We then walk to our ministry locations for the morning (ours this week being the day care/orphanage). At noon, we finish our morning ministry and head to our lunch. Some days we travel to a shack restaurant and eat and other days our ministry contact brings us lunch to our house. We never know what we are going to get, some days it is nutella, bread and chips, other days it is just a whole bunch of fruit (they have the best mangoes and pineapples here) and other days we get cheese and peanut butter sandwiches.


After lunch, we begin our afternoon ministry of street evangelism. We travel around this village entering the homes of people who will let us, with Fungi who translates (some speak English, some only speak Xhosa- the native African tongue), and we tell them why we are here. It is such a precious time to speak with them and know their stories. After street ministry, we travel back to our home and have personal time to write blogs, do laundry, have adventures to the little stores around here, or listen to music on our computers and watch the sun set from our kitchen. Our friend Cindy (African name Sandeeswah) has made us our dinner almost every night while here, making traditional South African dishes. She has made a pasta dish with fish, a bread and squash meal, and chicken and beets one night. All of the meals have been very good and we have joked that we are definitely not going to lose weight here in Africa this month. Fungi has prepared us for a meal that is coming soon, that the locals call “Smiley.” Its a sheep head.


After dinner we have team time where we talk about our day, tell stories and laugh at tired comments. We feel blessed to have a team that is working well with each other and bring so many qualities to the team that help us function as a complete body. On our off days we are able to travel to get internet, and I mean travel, its a hike!, or watch movies on our computers, or build forts with our gear in the lady cave room.

So yep, That is basically it! Welcome to Africa! And the fun has only just begun!


ABBY {in a lovely coffee shop in South Africa and it is about 200 degrees in here but I am drinking a milkshake (PRAISE THE LAMB)}