Act I: the good ole days
Being the youngest of four kids is the best way to grow up. I’m convinced of it.
I have two older brothers and an older sister who I still think are the coolest. My siblings range in age from 35 to 27, and they’re always one step ahead of me in life. Because of this, I get to be an aunt to these five little nuggets:

Act II: the college years
Auburn University will forever have a firm grip on a very large part of my heart. From the day that I began my undergraduate degree (interior design; I'm a lover of Barcelona chairs and all things acrylic), I experienced growth, knowledge, friendship, heartache, stress, accomplishment… you name it, the college years brought it. Because of this, I really feel like I came into my own during college. I was blessed with great friendships and a sister with babies who lived minutes away. I pulled all-nighters and became a coffee addict. I lived in a falling-apart and wonderful house, and I even sported a suit at times. I did all of the college-y things, and I loved every minute.

My bff, Sam. We've been besties since first grade, and she has been through it all with me.
A graphic designer, former roommate, & fellow adventurer.
The thought of leaving this one for 11 months makes me slightly weepy.
The start of my spiritual journey plays like a slideshow in my mind. There are a series of moments when the presence of the spirit was strong, and there was no doubt in my mind that the Lord was with me. As a little kid, I sat with my mom on my brother's bed as he prayed for Jesus to come into his heart. As a 5th grader, I felt chills from head to toe while the gospel was being shared at church. In junior high, I stood on a woman's porch and witnessed her acceptance of Christ and entrance into freedom. These moments gave me faith that God was real and that God loved me.
Despite my faith, I didn't understand the relational aspect of being a child of the King. It wasn't until involvement with Young Life in high school that my eyes were opened to a life where God isn't confined to singular moments. This Jesus thing is the real deal. It's everything. He is everything.
Since that time, I have been on a true journey to seek intimacy with my Savior. I have become more aware of my sin and more aware of the fact that I do not deserve His grace. Through seasons of complete brokenness, the Lord has shown his love and faithfulness. It is because of these seasons that I have decided participate in The World Race. While the Race completely feeds my love of adventure and travel, I am also acutely aware of the fact that this year will bring brokenness. I will be stretched, challenged, and defeated at times; however, I feel the tug of the spirit telling me that this year is a necessity. It is what I am called to do, and I am grateful for the call.

A few of the people who were scripted into the story of my life:
My mom and dad are never-ceasing supporters who laid the foundation for my walk with Christ.
My brother, Adam, is my spiritual role model. I am forever thankful for the summer that I spent with him in California (and found out about The World Race!).