Just for kicks… and partly because I’m obsessed with This American Life, I have decided to break this section up into three acts.

Act I: the good ole days

Being the youngest of four kids is the best way to grow up. I’m convinced of it. 

I have two older brothers and an older sister who I still think are the coolest. My siblings range in age from 35 to 27, and they’re always one step ahead of me in life. Because of this, I get to be an aunt to these five little nuggets:

Ava, 1; Addie, 4; Lily, 5; Asher, 1; Jackson, 9
My childhood was pretty idealistic. I’m from small town Alabama and grew up in church surrounded by close friends and family. Holidays are tons of fun with a full house and lots of tradition (no joke… we have a scavenger hunt every Christmas morning. No presents can be found until really intense clues are decoded). Despite being one of four children, I also got to have five years when it was just my parents and me. I was basically an only child during high school, and I have a really close relationship with both my mom and dad because of it. To this day, driving from Auburn to Smiths Station, AL to eat popcorn, drink Coke, and watch my dad's latest Netflix find is still an unfailing formula that brings complete contentment. 

Act II: the college years

Auburn University will forever have a firm grip on a very large part of my heart. From the day that I began my undergraduate degree (interior design; I'm a lover of Barcelona chairs and all things acrylic), I experienced growth, knowledge, friendship, heartache, stress, accomplishment… you name it, the college years brought it. Because of this, I really feel like I came into my own during college. I was blessed with great friendships and a sister with babies who lived minutes away. I pulled all-nighters and became a coffee addict. I lived in a falling-apart and wonderful house, and I even sported a suit at times. I did all of the college-y things, and I loved every minute. 

My bff, Sam. We've been besties since first grade, and she has been through it all with me. 
A graphic designer, former roommate, & fellow adventurer.
The thought of leaving this one for 11 months makes me slightly weepy.

Act III: the good stuff

The start of my spiritual journey plays like a slideshow in my mind. There are a series of moments when the presence of the spirit was strong, and there was no doubt in my mind that the Lord was with me. As a little kid, I sat with my mom on my brother's bed as he prayed for Jesus to come into his heart. As a 5th grader, I felt chills from head to toe while the gospel was being shared at church. In junior high, I stood on a woman's porch and witnessed her acceptance of Christ and entrance into freedom. These moments gave me faith that God was real and that God loved me.

Despite my faith, I didn't understand the relational aspect of being a child of the King. It wasn't until involvement with Young Life in high school that my eyes were opened to a life where God isn't confined to singular moments. This Jesus thing is the real deal. It's everything. He is everything. 

Since that time, I have been on a true journey to seek intimacy with my Savior. I have become more aware of my sin and more aware of the fact that I do not deserve His grace. Through seasons of complete brokenness, the Lord has shown his love and faithfulness. It is because of these seasons that I have decided participate in The World Race. While the Race completely feeds my love of adventure and travel, I am also acutely aware of the fact that this year will bring brokenness. I will be stretched, challenged, and defeated at times; however, I feel the tug of the spirit telling me that this year is a necessity. It is what I am called to do, and I am grateful for the call.

A few of the people who were scripted into the story of my life:
My mom and dad are never-ceasing supporters who laid the foundation for my walk with Christ.
My brother, Adam, is my spiritual role model. I am forever thankful for the summer that I spent with him in California (and found out about The World Race!).