A more fitting title for this blog could be “Life Update: Nepal.” Why? I am currently in Nepal, and, well, life has changed a lot in the course of a week.
First off, the attempting-to-let-go-of-my-need-for-stuff part of me was tested when my internal hard drive decided to bite the dust. Upon pressing the power button to my computer, the beautiful Apple symbol is now met with flashes of a circle and cross. So. Sad.
Thankfully, I had just thrown my India video onto an external. All was not lost! Still, without a working computer, my photo-editing/movie-making/word-processing outlet is being challenged. No tears were shed. I have friends who like to share and a sketchy Internet café just down the street. What more could a girl need?
Secondly, and more importantly, my team was met with significant changes at our month 8 debrief. Rumors of adjustments had been swimming for days; my intense love for Team Oasis had me convinced that the Lord would tell leadership to leave our team alone. “We are a well-oiled machine! We choose to spend time together! Please, this year is crazy enough… no more transition!”
When I was called into the hall just before worship one morning, my stomach turned a flip. I was asked to be team leader of my team with the knowledge that Rebekah would be squad leading.
My reaction is hard to put into words. I immediately felt peace from the Lord. This is His decision. His plan. However, as quickly as the peace overwhelmed, I also felt the pang of loss as I would be saying goodbye to my team leader and heart friend.

Since that day, God has been nothing if not ever-faithful and good. We have another new team member-Michelle!- whose kind spirit is a breath of fresh air. My teammates have bathed me in words of affirmation and loving support. I have been driven even further into the arms of my Creator as the pressures of decision-making have arisen. And guess what… I got to wrap my arms around Rebekah just yesterday after an impromptu coffee date!
Nothing was actually taken away. I have only gained from the transition. I have a heavier burden to cover my team in prayer. A stronger sense of protection. An urgency to make sure these final three months don’t pass without intentionality.
If the final season of my Race is defined by ministry to the six girls who I get to love every day, and less about the incredible stores to share or perfect shot to find, His will be done. I now accept the change with open arms. Team Summit is our name, and we are dedicated to finishing strong, making it to the peak.
As salvaged from the remains of my computer, here is Life in a Day: India. Expect to see:
· Roni, our Indian mother and daily coffee server.
· an overprotective monkey mom.
· Samrin and our daily jogs on the track.
· a chicken, crossing the road and paving the way for many cheesy jokes.
· curry eaten for lunch. Utensils? No way!
· the beautiful currency of India… Ghandi on every bill!
· a village fashion show with Rachel and me in beautiful sarees.
· henna! Wha hoo!
· our team/family leaving for a prayer meeting with 12+ people crammed into an auto.
· a herd of goats causing a road block (yes, this was an average occurrence).
· the opportunity to sing songs for kids/preach the gospel/share our testimonies/pray for healings and blessings… Welcome to prayer meetings (sometimes lit by a single bulb).