We Do Ministry
In the murder capital of the world this month.

Truly, this has been my favorite place yet.

Tegucigalpa, Honduras.

Even the locals are perplexed as to

why we work in Los Pinos, Sector F,

which I always think

sounds like a title out of a SciFi movie..

So, Zion's Gate ministry is where we reside on the outskirts of Tegucigalpa.

We sleep in our tents out on the property

and have the hired police guarding us

round the clock.

I befriended two of them; really nice guys, they are.

For those of you considering a vacation in Honduras:

know that it is completely normal for the police to run around with

loaded fully automatic AK-47's, various pistols, night stick and cuffs

(at minimum).

Sound unnerving at all?

In reality, it's comforting.

So glad for these guys, and for Tony, our contact, for arranging it.

Even the ice cream guy carries a shot gun with him when he delivers…

(that was pretty funny to me, actually(heh)).

So, what do we do here in Tegucigalpa?

We love on and hang out with the local boys and girls from Los Pinos, Sector F-

the epitome of crime in Tegucigalpa.

Each boy and girl has their own story,

all unique, all extremely difficult:

be it drugs, abandonment, poverty,

abuse, street life, rape or murder,

from as young as two years of age,

they are welcome here at Zion's Gate.

Tony and his crew gives them an opportunity for renewal,

unavailable in Sector F.

Tony acts on the love of the Holy Spirit,

opening his home to them,

offering school, health and the love of a father figure.

So many of these kids lack fathers;

all of them have lacked loving fathers.

One of our boys had explained Honduras as the fatherless country-

Tony has been a force of change in that facet in the lives of the youth at Zion's Gate.

It is an honor and a joy to work here.

It is amazing to see the beauty presented in the eyes of each child.

It is incredible to see the love in their hearts despite their pasts

and it is strictly a blessing to have the opportunity to know their stories.

Much is yet to be done in Honduras;

however, not all is dead in the murder capital.