Thoughts About Thankfulness:

    The work had been strenuous that day, much like all the other days we've been worked. It had been ten solid, productive days in this foreign nation and each day our lovely contact Rosa, wife of Tony, had been entirely gracious to provide us incredible, savory, international noms. Every time our group has sat down to the table we've been eager to chow down, and every time we've had a meal we've thanked and blessed the food. As we shuffled along down the counter to pick up plates, then the usual rice, we come upon the flavor of the meal. A square pot contained what appeared to be some kind of chicken with enchilada sauce. Our eyes glazed over and became larger than our stomachs as the wafting scent of rich protein reached our nostrils. A silent, yet communal opinion of, “This is going to be so awesome” was reached in a matter of seconds. Many of us skimmed on the rice and piled on the pollo, returning to our spots at the dining table with visible victory in our numbered steps. I believe I was second to reach the table. With a thankful heart for chicken enchilada over rice, I stabbed my first piece of triumph and chewed.
        And chewed..
            And chewed some more…    
    “Rosa” I said cautiously after having swallowed. I motioned with my fork at my plate, “¿Que es este?”
    She replied something in Spanish I didn't comprehend. Then something more that I didn't quite understand. I caught the word “vaca”(cow) somewhere in the third sentence. Then in Spanish she said, “You don't eat this where you live?” I paused, wondering if perhaps I should have waited to ask such a question. Casually she replied, “Es estomago. Estomago de vaca.”
    Then my estomago dropped.
    I looked at my plate, completely dreading my double protein portion and skimpy rice. It looked back at me, now definitely mocking and declaring to me in loud tones that I didn't need this much lunch in the first place to be satisfied. Cow stomach.. I was beginning to wonder when the weird food would come along (I got my answer).. I decided to skip out on gnawing stomach rubber and quickly learned the art of swallowing forkfuls of carne surprise whole, aptly timed with mouthfuls of fresco to cleanse the pallet. Lunch: an adventure all in itself. Just like Training Camp, I had approached this meal with the declaration that I would finish that which was given to me. Accomplishment and whelming relief washed over me as I conquered that final fateful morsel. I have never been so satisfied in my life to have finished any meal quite like this.
    So while this recollection was spun with a potentially pungent persona, all things aside, let us examine our hearts. In the moment, let our hearts be lifted by the blessing of provision, even when the situation defies our expectations.

“Give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.''
1 Thessalonians 5:18