Sometimes I forget that some of you don't have one…

So here's a quick little update:

We fly out from Tegucigalpa, Honduras to hit Miami, FL, followed by LAX in California.

We spend an evening there, tying up loose ends and sending a few things home via USPS.

Eat an awesome breakfast, then it's off to the plane to fly 13 hours to Beijing, China.

(Don't declare your Bible on customs, folks! Not the most legal material, you know?)

Then, after nearly 70 hours of travel:our  four different planes, sleeping in a Thailand bus station on the ground overnight, ten hour bus ride and a couple of taxis-


Welcome, Spicy Warriors, to the red light district of Chiang Mai, Thailand.

(It's MANistry month, so all the men are off frolicking Thailand, doing their own thing, and we ladies are joining forces in new teams –> Danae's old team plus mine- woohoo!)

So, it is a mere and mild 90*F with a relative humidity of 99.99%. Our contact Emmi is wonderful, the streets are Full of everything imaginable and we are ready to hit the streets within the next couple days.

Our ministry is called Love Acts, where we will be working with men, women, and ladyboys caught in the sex-trade.

This is bound to be the most radical ministry yet, I think.

I am utterly excited to see God work in this situation.

It will be interesting to see how He moves without us being al to mention the Gospel, here.

For you see, if the owners of the bars that we will be ministering at understand that we are bringing the Gospel into their business and trying to give a new life and new employment opportunities to these members, we won't be able to go any more.

Under cover.

Please continue to pray for us and our safety~

Love you all ♥


Oh! PS.

Check out my photo gallery- it was updated with a few shots.

Sorry, I've been really lacking in photos–> It was impossible to take your camera anywhere in Honduras without a major threat of it being stolen!! So there something, but not much.

More to come in Thailand!!