

I would venture to say that language is one of the most important tools that we have in life. It allows us to interact with other people, to express ourselves, and for our society to function. 


In the last 5 months I have been immersed in at least 10 different foreign languages, limiting and stretching my ability to communicate. Luckily languages don't have to be made of words. There is the language of facial expressions: the way you can read a look on someones face and it communicates more specifically than an essay full of words. The way that a bear hug, tender touch or fit of laughter show the language of love. The language of posture: how a persons character can be determined as strait laced or lax, depending on how they carry themselves.


Out of all of the different languages, the most important may also be the most difficult to learn: the language of listening. In a world that measures worth by how many people know your name, value by the number in your bank account and status by how many heads you can turn, the language of listening is the first to be forgotten.


Yet when someone feels heard, it changes everything. Confidence replaces low self esteem. Ease replaces fear. Value replaces unworthiness. Laughter replaces tears. Belief replaces doubt. Love replaces resentment. 


Think of the people who make you feel most empowered, the most loved. It's not the people who interrupt your stories, brag constantly about themselves, or text when you are talking. It's the people who's eyes fill with compassion as you share your heart or who take the time to hear your perspective during an argument.


Not only is listening the most important language, it is vital to the health of our relationships with other people. So why is it that when it comes to God, the language of listening becomes almost absolete?


We lift our prayers to God: thanking Him, praising Him, asking Him, challenging Him, begging Him, questioning Him, seeking Him. We do all of these things…and they aren't bad, in fact they are wonderful and exactly what He wants: for us to communicate our hearts and needs to Him, because He is a God who listens to the prayers of His people.


"Then you will call upon me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you." 

Jeremiah 29:12


"Before they call I will answer, while they are still speaking I will hear"

Isaiah 65:24


"This is the confidence that we have in approaching God: that if we ask anything according to his will, he hears us."

1 John 5:14


However Jesus died so our RELATIONSHIP could be restored with our Heavenly Father. I challenge you to name one good relationship that you have where the conversation is completely one-sided. Where you listen but are never heard. Where you know but are not known. Where you seek but are not sought after. Where you remember but are forgotten. Sounds like a pretty crappy relationship to me: yet so often, I do all of these things to my Daddy. Which is absurd because He is speaking to me all of the time.


He speaks to our hearts through His creation: in the feirceness of a crashing wave, in the power of a thunderous roar, in the gentleness of a summer breeze. In the breathtaking beauty of an ocean sunset, in the delight of a field decorated with spring flowers , in a cleansing rain, in the wonder of a full moon or in the glimpse of a shooting star.


He speaks to our hearts through His children: through the compassion of a stranger. Through a 50 year old love story walking down the street hand in hand. Through the uncomparable understanding of a best friend. Through the moments we laugh until we cry or cry until we laugh. Through the carefree grins and  uncontainable giggles of children. Through the wisdom of an elder who has fought the good fight. 


He speaks to our hearts through His character: in the way that He pierced His Son for our transgresions and crushed Him for our iniguities (Isaiah: 53:5). In the way His truth sets us free (John 8:32). In the way that His Spirit is dwelling in us and fighting for us (Romans 8:26-27). In the way he delights in and rejoices over us (Zepaniah 3:17). In the way He is a protector and provider (Luke 12:27-31). In the way that He holds true to everyone of His promises (Hebrews 10:23).



"Abba, you speak to us in so many ways. I pray that You would give us hearts to hear, eyes to see, and ears that listen to You. I pray that You would soften our hearts to Your voice and truth. I pray that You would open our eyes to all of the ways that You are moving in, through, and around us. I pray that we would practice the language of listening in our relationships with You. I pray that we would listen to Your voice through Your carefully created children. I pray that we listen to Your voice through Your brilliantly made creation. I pray that we would listen to Your voice through Your living word. I pray that we listen to Your voice within our selves, because You are dwelling in us. I pray we would remember that relationships are two sided and that You gave everything to have a relationship with us. I pray that we would recognize the importance and gift of the language of listening."