Hello to whoever is reading this! My name is Abby McCane and I am 18 years old. I live in Atlanta, Georgia and this is where I’ve lived all of my life. I will be graduating high school on May 20th, 2016.

By far the most exciting thing about me is that The Holy Spirit lives in me, and yeah that probably sounds all cheesy and the typical “Christian-like” thing to say…but its the absolute truth that Jesus in me is the only good thing about me. I am 100% sold out to whatever God wants for my life, and thankfully it looks like HE’s calling me to the World Race. If you’re reading this blog, you probably already know what that is. If not, email me at [email protected] or message me on Facebook and i would be thrilled to tell you all about it! (if you don’t feel like messaging me… long story short its a 9 month mission trip to the countries of India, Malaysia, and Zambia that i will be going on. I leave October 2016) If you want to know how God led me down this path, subscribe to my blogs because my next one will be my testimony of how God called me to the world race.

So some things about me in a ridiculously random order:

  • i hate bugs and i scream at them to go away a lot (never works)
  • adrenaline junkie
  • I LOVE being around people, and i will always choose to be in the room with another person
  • i put hot sauce on everything
  • i love laughing and i love hearing others laugh
  • i enjoy sports & before God called me to the world race, my plans were to play volleyball in college
  • i have 3 older sisters 
  • i have no twitter, instagram, or snapchat bc I’m not cool at all
  • i cry every time i have to go to a banquet (theyre just horrible & make me incredibly nervous)

That is by far enough information about me. From here on out this is the place i will be talking about what God is doing in my heart and keeping everyone updated on my journey from now until i get back from the world race. Thanks for reading this and i hope my first ever blog wasn’t too bad. 


Talk to you soon!