Hey friends! So I’ve been trying to figure out what to write, for a while now. I guess I’ll just invite you into the ramblings of my brain and we’ll see where it goes.

I’ve been processing thoughts of dependence on the Lord as a friend- the closest friend you could possibly have- and fully sinking into that deep love He has for me. As a part of this dependence journey, I’ve also been processing my plans for after my return to the states- 6 ½ months from now. I’m learning a lot about how the Lord will show me the next step He has for me and allow me to dream for what comes after, but He never intends for me to stress about it all. It’s all meant to go one step at a time and I just need to keep pursuing Him to see what He has for the step after. That’s part of the beauty of dependence on Him- He really does have everything figured out and I can always choose peace.

Also… I’d like to share that my team has grown and I have personally grown, through knowing each of these incredible women of God. Isn’t it wonderful that God would bring us together for a time like this- knowing what we each would need from each individual? There are no mistakes there. I hope to call these girls friends for life, even if our time as a team ends soon. As we’ve lived life together everyday, I can consider them sisters- challenging, loving, and laughing through all of the mundane and madness. I am grateful for every bit of our time and for every bit of them.

If you’re interested in knowing how teaching is going for me, keep reading!

As one of the teachers I work with has been gone for a few weeks, I’ve been watching her classes mostly on my own (shout-out to some great teammates who joined me for a few). At times, I really found it difficult to keep positive about the situation, but I have found some good things in it and there’s nothing to stress about! I truly appreciate and love the teachers and students that I get to work with.

In this time, I have been able to connect well with my students and I felt even more free to be an absolute goofball with them. Especially the other day when most of the English teachers were not at the school, my teammates and I joined our classes on the soccer field for the banana song, charades, volleyball, and several other random games. At one point, I even found myself singing a part of Joy to The World, after one of my classes asked for me to sing an English song. That day is definitely going down as one of my favorite days teaching.

As I continue this journey of being a teacher this next month, I will be helping with a writing station at an English camp that some of the students will attend and I will also help judge a speech contest and pronounce words for a spelling bee.

Now that I’ve written out and processed my thoughts, I’ve found myself to be at peace and appreciative of where I’m at with the Lord, yet at the same time looking forward to all that He has for the future. I’m just back at the place of fully depending on Him for every little step and finding joy in every part of the journey- whether it’s ministry or for my own personal walk.

I guess that’s all for now. Thanks for reading my blogs and following me through Cambodia and Thailand, so far! I’m so very grateful for you.

P.S. I hope you’re enjoying the beauty of this Christmas season and special time with family and friends, to it’s very fullest. Also, please give my family lots of hugs for me. You rock.

