It’s a word that’s been used to describe me and a word spoken over me. I’ve chosen to step into this more lately and I’m so grateful I have. I’ve been given the chance to live fearlessly in ministry, adventure, community. All the things. Sometimes it’s meant I’ve found a new friend and other times, maybe it’s just eating a food I’d never thought I would. 


One day, I was handed a microphone and told to sing We Wish You A Merry Christmas at a little Christmas event for a school. Talk about being confused. Also sang some songs at a Christmas Eve service without one bit of preparation and it turned out alright!

Another day, we went to the beach and I got on a boat for the first time ever and jumped off of it to swim with the fishes and snorkel. 

Also, during my time in Asia, I’m pretty sure I’ve eaten more shrimp and prawn than I have ever eaten in my life, because I never liked it until I made myself try it again here. Still not my favorite food, but I can eat it now, so that’s a success!

And in community, I’ve learned to press into the hard things. It’s not always easy to be vulnerable or voice the feedback that needs to be spoken because it can actually feel a bit risky at times, but it is sooo worth it. As I lived with Team Quinoa the past 3 months, I have seen that we pushed through the hard things and chose to love each other through it. It’s a really great way to live. Now I have friends I hope to keep for life!

At this point, we’ve changed teams and we’re about to change continents. With all of these changes, I get easily overwhelmed and can feel like isolating myself, but I take this chance to say that I am going to choose to live fearlessly and grounded in the Lord’s love as new things come. 

And on another note about fear… every day, I am reminded of my need to let go of my fear of man and to live in the fear of the Lord- in awe and respect of just how good He is. 

I say all of these things simply to encourage  you that it can be so rewarding to live fearlessly. That does NOT mean it is easy. Push through the hard things, love deeply, and dive into the adventurous things in life.


Today’s verse of the day on YouVersion (January 2, 2017) feels pretty applicable! 


“Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you. Not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your hearts be troubled, neither let them be afraid.”

John 14:27 


So cool, right? We don’t have to live in fear. 

I hope you have a super incredible new year- living every day fearlessly!