Hey everyone! So a few of my friends and family have been asking what I will be doing on this trip. Hopefully this video and some of this information explains a bit more about what this trip is all about:

One of my favorite things about this trip is that I AM NOT GOING ALONE! By signing up for July Route 5, I am joining a squad of people who are each uniquely passionate about sharing God’s love through out the world. We travel to one country per month, and our squad is broken up into teams of 6-8 people. Depending on the local area and the work we are doing, we may be serving alongside multiple teams within our squad or just with our own team.

Additionally, we are often working in an area where previous world racers have worked, or we may be working with a local Christian organization (like a church or a school). The travel arrangements and local contacts are arranged by Adventures in Missions.

My prayer for this trip is that I can live fully in the moment through all the highs and lows, and enjoy every bit of this amazing adventure!