As of today, I have all of my expenses covered for the rest of the World Race!


The World Race has been such an eye-opening challenging experience. So far I have served with my squad in China, Mongolia, Japan and now Nepal.

But before we leave for India, I want to take some time to say THANK YOU to everyone who has partnered with me financially on the World Race.


Your generosity has enabled me to serve in a foster care home in China, share Gospel conversations with new friends in Mongolia and share joy with Japanese families and encourage to women and children in Nepal.

Not only that, but our team will also serve in India, Malaysia, Thailand, Cambodia, Vietnam, The Philippines and Indonesia. This is such a blessing to have all of my expenses covered, as the Race goes through the end of July of this year.


More than anything, the Race has pushed me to press into my relationship with God. It’s forced me to ask some hard questions of myself and test the faith I’ve grown up identifying myself with. I have found that the challenge of the Race is what makes it impactful and purposeful in this season of my life.

Even through all the learning curves, occasional culture shock and times of struggle, I wouldn’t trade the World Race for anything. There have been times of mystery and confusion, ambiguity and waiting. I have even found myself asking why I went on this trip in the first place. But even when I couldn’t feel God in those moments, I see now He was there guiding me the whole time. His Word gives me strength when I am weak and encourages me when I want to give up or check out.


As our squad approaches Month 5 in India, I am looking forward to learning more about walking more in step with God on this journey. I don’t want to passively neglect God by having my own limits or expectations of what I think my India experience should be. I want to search His heart for this nation and learn what He is already doing in India. We as a team get to be a part of what He is doing, continuing His good work He began long before we arrive there in Hyderabad. This opportunity is truly a gift.


So thank you for everyone who has partnered with me on this journey. I would not be here without your financial support, your prayer and your encouragement.

This is has truly been a life-changing experience, and I am looking forward to seeing what the Lord will lead us to in these next 7 countries!