So we are in Ukraine! It has been such an amazing month so far and we've only been here for a week.  My team is living with an amazing family that has 10 kids and with us added in, there are 18 people living here. It's ridiculouis, but it's great!  

This month has brought so many questions for me in regards to my relationship with the Lord.  What He's been trying to bring to my attention through my team, through the books I'm reading, and through the people I meet is that it's ok to "come undone" before God.  He already knows you at your worst.  At your most vulnerable.  And guess what?  He still loves you just as much as He ever has or will.  Nothing you can do will make God love you less, even though it may not seem that way.  It's so hard for us to fathom because we are human.  We make mistakes.  We can't always love unconditionally, but He can.  That's why you can bare so much more in front of God than you ever could with people without the fear of judgement.  Without the fear or reprimands, and most importantly, without the fear of rejection.  God will never leave you, He will never forsake you.  People make these mistakes, not God.

So, here we are standing in the fullness of God's presence.  What do we do now?  

We let Him love us.  We break through that fear of judgement, that fear of rejection and we let Him love on us like we were created for.  We learn to receie from Him without trying to earn anything.  We have done nothing to deserve this amazing love and grace that we all receive on a daily basis and that's the way it has to be or our relationship with the Father doesn't work.  We can't do anything for God that He couldn't do Himself, but we can receive His unconditional love and do our best to live our lives for His glory.  We will fail many times, but He has an ocean of grace to bless us with.  Needing to be adequate and the best at everything is not what our lives are meant to be chasing after, we are meant to chase after God.