One of my biggest character flaws is that I am not a very flexible person.  I hate it when plans change, I hate it when people aren’t on time, I hate it when things don’t work out, and most of all I hate it when other people don’t adhere to my plans or expectations.  The first thing I was told by a veteran Racer when thinking about doing the World Race is that the number one thing to keep in mind is that flexibility is KEY!  The first thing they told us at training camp is to check your expectations at the door.  Our squad leaders repeatedly told us that nothing is set in stone, things change every second, that we have NO CONTROL over what God will do. 



Well I thought that was all just a bunch of talk to prepare us for the worst.  Because I’m not the kind of person who strays from THE PLAN.  I need structure.  I need a piece of paper with a list on it that says I’m going to do this, this, this, and this today in order to feel accomplished.  I need to have each item neatly checked off in order to please God today.  Little did I know that these people who had actually done the Race before me knew what they were talking about (a novel concept, I know).  The Race is not a stagnant thing.  It changes constantly, just like life.  The only thing that remains a constant is God.  That’s it.  Not me, not my plan, not the plans of my team or squad, just God. 
Last month, the thing that the Lord really impressed upon me was that I am called into greatness.  Not just a life of mediocrity, but an extraordinary life that will require me to be STRONG and COURAGEOUS, just like Joshua was called to be when he took Moses’ place as the leader of the Israelites.  The thing is, I can be strong and courageous and still have my plans, my lists, my expectations, etc.  I don’t have to stray too far from my box.  However, if I were to just go to the gym and lift weights all day every day, I wouldn’t get very far.  In order to be a well rounded athlete, or in this case, tool for God, I need to work on every area that goes along with it.  I need to do Yoga.  I need to improve my flexibility and openness.  God doesn’t operate within the confines of the box I have put Him in, and even though I don’t feel as though I hear Him very clearly right now, it’s important that I keep stretching and trying new poses during my “Yoga classes.”  That’s the only way anything is going to get easier, even though it will be uncomfortable at first.  I know that God is continually working and stretching me, even though at times I hate it.  I have no idea what He’s planning and it’s difficult for me to sit and wait, but He’s got a reason for it all. 
“The Lord will fight for you, you need only to be still” Exodus 14:14