These are some of the compliments or funny comments that I have been said to me while working at our ministry site this month.  I’m not always sure how to take them, but I think they all come from a place of love.  Deep down…
1.  Manuel on the first day of being at Mision Adulam:  I love you.
2. Pedro: I like your shoes. How much did they cost?
3. Israel: You have a nice camera. How much did it cost?
4. Brandon: I like Melissa’s phone. Do you have a phone too? How much did it cost?
5. Brandon: If you were my girlfriend I would tattoo your name on my arm in big letters.
6. Javier: You understand Spanish very well. Me: What?
7. George: You look like a different person in your hat, I didn’t even recognize you.  I like it.
8. A staff member at the house: If you like Bolivia so much you should move here.  You could find a Bolivian boyfriend and then you’d never have to leave.  Benjamin (the German intern) met his girlfriend here and he’s doing fine.
9. Brandon: Can you guys buy us a play station?  Us: No, we don’t have that kind of money.  Brandon: *points to the youngest guy* But it’s for the children!

I love these guys and I already miss their hilarious comments a ton.  It's been so awesome to get to meet them and hang out for a few weeks.  Next month has a lot to live up to.  My team has the amazing opportunity to do an "Ask the Lord" month where we don't have a contact or anything, we find new contacts for out Unsung Hero's program and find contacts for future Racers.