This month has been full of changes for both me and my team.  First, we had our ATL month and we had no structure, which was hard for us.  We were constantly changing our plans and our ideas for what we thought the month should be.  We even changed our location. 
We also had a team member leave.  One of my absolute best friends on the Race, Beth, decided that this was not what God had for her and she left the first week of our time here in Romania.  That was really hard for me.  She was the person that I went to with all of my problems and when I was having a rough day or when I just wanted to share in the happy moments of what had happened that week.  At first, I thought I was ok with her being gone because she had talked to us about it before she made her final decision.  It was a gradual transition, unlike the first time a member of my team went home where it was very abrupt and out of the blue.  This time, I’d had some time to process it before it happened and it was definitely not a shock, but it probably hurt more because I was so close to Beth. 
After that big change, my team leader, Kayla left for our month four debrief early and we didn’t know why.  We found out it was because she was chosen to be raised up as a new Squad Leader, meaning she won’t be with our team anymore.  This was rough.  Kayla has been such a phenomenal leader for our team and she was really the glue that kind of held us together during our rough times, but I know that she will be an even better Squad Leader.  Because of this, my fellow teammate, Daniel, has been chosen to be our new team leader and I could not be more excited for him.  He will do an amazing job leading team Anew, and I have full confidence in his leadership ability.
There is one more important change to my amazing team, which is that we have a new member and her name is Jolene (  If there were to be one person that I could have added I would have chosen her in a heartbeat.  She is one of the most amazing women I know and I am so unbelievably excited to do life with her on a daily basis.
We are entering a new season as a team and I am so excited to see what God has in store for us over the next few months!