to finish well?  S squad is moving on to their ten month on the field

and about this time for me on my journey on the WR I was asking myself
the same question.  I have traveled to nine countries by now.  I have
seen the poverty, I have held the hands of the broken, oppressed and
walked the road of life with the hopeless.  I would have to say that
question lingered above my head far to long before I took action.  At
times I didn’t know what to do so I didn’t do anything.  Well not even
a month ago I challenged this squad if they didn’t know what to do, to
do something.  The Lord is a more powerful guider when the wheels are
    I am sure you thinking what does that have to do with you.  Well
my boat is sailing the same boat as these 61 world changers, the
journey just looks a little different.  But the Lord is asking me,
what is going to take to finish well?
  This time I know to take action.  I really don’t know what to do,
but I do know to do something.  I am still in need of $1400.  Taking
action right. Doing something.  So I am writing emails, I am
challenging my squad to walk beside me and help me raise this money, I
am writing blogs and trying to get the word out.
   But that is not all that is going to help me finish well.
Finishing well would be having those God divine conversations with 61
world changers.  To celebrate their journey.  To rejoice where the
Lord’s Glory was displayed all over this earth.  To cry where they saw
no light but they are on the other side.  To close this chapter in
their lives and challenge them to continue on this journey the Lord has
them.  And to do this in India with the powerful S squad.
    So will you join me.  Will you help me get to India to see my squad.
     If feel led to support me please either email me at
support me on the left hand side.  Or Please make checks payable to
Adventures in Missions.  Adventures in Missions, PO Box 534470,
Atlanta, Georgia 30353.
Love you dearly,