I’m sitting in my bed, wrapping up
my life through the past 11 months around the world and two months continued at
home. I never thought I would be
here to day and see the things I saw but I know this was the plan of the Lord
and I couldn’t be even more grateful.

Life as I know it is different
now. Now yes a lot of things are
the same. My hometown is still the
place that holds memories of my childhood, relationships that have been built
on the foundation of Christ and others that have fallen through the rocks. My family is still the same four people
that love me unconditionally. But
something is different. I have

A teammate told me that he has seen
me grow so much this year but growing is going to continue. That I have asked the Lord to do great
things in me this year and I have been delivered and healed from things that
captured so many parts of my life. But the asking and healing will continue. For me to continue to find him, seek him, ask him for things
and see the BIG things he does in my life. 

I want my life to overflow with
Christ that is living inside me. I
want to see and be apart of God’s Kingdom on this earth. I want to be challenged and take these
steps of faith I have been called to. So what does that mean for me? 

This January, I am going to Spain
and will be attending the G42 Leadership Academy. This program is a leadership school for those that have a
deep desire to walk their passions out in the Lords vision for their life. To see “God’s will be done on earth as
it is in heaven.” I want to see
Christ formed in me. I know that
there are more walls in my life to be broken down, growth to happen and to be
challenged beyond my ability.  
I want to follow where he is leading me. Right now that is to Spain.

Will you help me? I’ve seen more then my mind can wrap
around my brain sometimes and experienced the depths of me and the creation of
the world in a unimaginable way. I’ve experienced the pain of seeing a boy sold into sex trade. I’ve seen an elderly coming closer each
day to losing her daughter to a tumor and is to old to take care of
herself. I’ve seen women in India
set free from the burden of prostitution and come to the freedom of Christ. This year I was able to experience these
things and more but not without the help you.

I am going to Spain for growth,
challenges, training, so that I can further use my experience to give God glory. My passions I discovered this year I
want to increase. I believe and
intend for this to be a time of growth and catching a vision, and I need your
help. Cost includes tuition, which
is 6,000 dollars (1,000 dollars a month), as well as travel to and from Spain.

If you would like to support me
financially for any amount, please visit www.g42leadershipacademy.org/donate.
 To support me click “Intern
 and enter my name. If you would rather pay by check, make
checks payable to g42 and mail to:

G42, Inc.

P.O. Box 17419

Fountain Hills, AZ 85269

        Memo: Abby Barnett