I will run when I cannot walk.  I will sing when there is no song.   I will pray when there is no prayer.  I will listen when I cannot hear.  Sitting in the waiting room, silently.  Waiting for that still soft voice I know.  Offering my words to the rooftops.  Trusting that this place is where you are.  
It has only been a week and in silence I have changed my mind and the Lord has changed my heart.  For this past week my team and I have been a beautiful town called Moshi, Tanzania.  The Lord has blessed us with this view every morning.  Our schedule has really not been a schedule.  At times I feel that my teams was dropped in the middle of nowhere with contacts that were just as surprised as we are.  This past week we have:
•    Help plant a fence for the church we are working with.
•    Water the fence everyday.
•    Door to door evangelism with a church that has never done that before.
•    Preach, teach children, prayer walk
To Africa these things are the normal things that you would usually do but these things have been very hesitant and have been our teams call to do.  The Lord has challenged us with teaching about relationship, foundation, identity, not forcing religion.   And we actually have the choice and power to the lead these things this month.  To start the foundation of leadership in this community, to teach them that their identity in Christ matters, to share with them that we don’t bring religion but we bring someone who loves them and wants to grow with them in a relationship.  So please be in prayer for my team and I this month as we sit in the waiting room waiting for the voice of God for each step that we take.