In 2008 I left on a journey that
brought me to a place where I could choose to come and go as I pleased. But I soon came to realize when I
entered this place I needed to commit to never leave. So I locked the door behind me and threw away the key. It was a time of showing me my vines
and a process of pruning. There I
found love, fear, joy, despair, life, overcoming times, patience and life
abundance and learned to fight for and through them.

In 2010 I responded to a calling and
the Lord graciously showed me who I was and confirmed them by their
fruits. And this journey beginning
the process of producing the
fruits. At this point I stopped
worry about figuring it all out. And began living by the words that he was instilling in me. Such as: making a decision of WHO I AM,
every revelation is a invitation from God to have an encounter so that we can
be transformed by to be a revelation, If God calls you, he equips you, why do I
believe the things I believe, giving thanks for something I don’t have yet, not
going home and compromise what God gave/given me, needing permission to stay
because I have already been sent or keeping the dream alive in every
circumstance I find myself in.

The journey continued in October
2010 where authority was stretched, challenged and grown. Through hearing his voice and stepping
out on faith with squad leading. Where I began to understand and believe the words just be who you are
called to be and God will bless because you are who you are called to be and He
lives inside of you. 

Now I wish I could continue telling
you about this journey….but this journey is not yet over. There is still a part missing, a part
of me that needs to walk in more authority. Needs to step in places that I am called to step into. Many of you have helped and I truly
appreciate your giving heart. But
asking if you would be interested in supporting me as I continue this

Currently I am in need of 800
dollars to make it to Kenya for Month 8 debrief with S squad and roughly 1250
for my trip to India for final debrief. If feel led please click “support me” or email me at
[email protected].