It doesn’t have all the answers. It’s a risk that one can take and
grasp. Its concepts are just a
never-ending story of an open book of experiences. It lies in ones heart. It gives someone power to break your heart, but trusting them not
to. It holds things together. It’s a shelter to weather during the storm. Its more then emotions, its caring
about the other, its feeling the pain of the other, sharing others happiness,
understanding others. It is
passion, sacrifice, commitment, discipline, and determination. Some prosper in its strength. It has no expectation. It does not need expression but others
say it gives thousands of expression.  

It holds us together

Exhorter, Beautiful, Undignified,
Passionate, Driven are just a few words to describe this amazing women of God. 


I have been given the most amazing
opportunity to serve alongside this woman of God for this journey the Lord has
called us on. To learn how she
ticks, to hear her heart and her heart for the children of God, to laugh with
her, to cry with her, to gain her trust, to live in community with. I can truly say this woman of God wants
to be challenged, transformed and alive over the next season of her life. She is a woman who is going to
challenge our squad and see the Lord transform these people into the men and
women of God they are called to be. There couldn’t be a better woman of God to join me alongside “S” squad
and serve.

 Teacher, Passionate, Caring, Honorable, Humble, Selfless can
describe this man of God.



A man of God who goes after the
heart of God. He has a heart that
brings peace to others and he is powerfully gifted in bringing the word of
God. He is open to new things and
how the Lord can shape and mold him to look more like Jesus. I also have been
given the opportunity to serve alongside this man of God for this journey. To be challenged by him, to live a
passionate life with him, to gain wisdom from him. Tim is a man of God who is going to challenge me to live
from the word of God, to be living my life out as Christ lived his life out and
I couldn’t be more excited to be on this journey with him.

So I began this journey with these
two incredible people last Friday and once again couldn’t be more excited. My love for them has grown tremendously
over the past week. What I am most
excited about these two is what is going to keep us together. What is going to tell the world that we
are not alone. What allows us to
fight for each other. It’s
LOVE. Its Christ love in each of
us. It is the thing at the end of
the day knowing that it holds us together. It makes us one.