Dear friends and and fellow blog readers,
I cannot thank you enough for your support and never ending love.  The changes that happened deep in my heart and my walk with Christ wouldn’t be where it is today if it wasn’t for your support.  Thank you from the bottom of my heart for reading my blogs to supporting me in prayer or financially to see the Kingdom come to earth. 
As most of you already know, I am back in a place in my life where the Lord has called me to face more obstacles and take another step in faith.  I am headed to Spain in January to start my term with the G42 Leadership school.  I have prayed continuously and know the Lord has called me yet again to abandon my comforts and take a leap of faith to Spain for six months.
Knowing that Lord has more things to break off of me and guidance in my future, I have complete faith He will provide.  This school begins on January 5th.  I need your support both prayerfully and financially.  The total cost comes to $7,000.  I ask that you would pray daily that Lord will be able to continue to work on my heart.  Will you please prayerfully consider partnering with and supporting me for whatever amount you can, monthly or one-time?

If you would like to support me
financially for any amount, please visit
 To support me click “Intern
 and enter my name. If you would rather pay by check, make
checks payable to g42 and mail to:

G42, Inc.

P.O. Box 17419

Fountain Hills, AZ 85269

        Memo: Abby Barnett-G42 Intern

Many of you might be asking what this school will be like and what the purpose behind it is.  Below is a video of what former students have said about their G42 Leadership School Experience.  It explProxy-ConnProxy-Connection:keep-aliveCache-Control:max-age=0oxy-Connection:keep-aliveCache-Control:max-age=0tion:keep-aliveCache-Control:max-age=0ns how and why many of them made the decision to study at the academy.  I am Proxy-Connection:keep-aliveCache-Control:max-age=0re then blessed to be apart of the experience.