Month eight, day one. I think it is terminal this journey I
am waiting in could use a change of scene, of scenes I have been repeating
in. Another day, another place
another same thing. Yesterday
became tomorrow that a strange thing.
I want to breathe. I want
to breathe and out again. I have
now been traveling for eight months.
I have been to eight different countries, worked with eight different people
groups and shared my life story with eight different cultures. In that sense life seems the same. The scenes stay the same. I am taking one step after the
other. I enter the month sharing
my life and come out changed but knowing I will have to share my life again for
one more month. But something is
different. I have lost
something. Don’t know how long I
have been without but I can feel a change. I have lost my hunger. But I am hungry again…
I am hungry to be in the word. To go out and share my hunger to the
world around me. From experience
that hunger only lasts for a short time.
There are times where I will come together with my team and they are
just as hungry and we share what we are hungry for and where w
e think that
hunger pain is coming from. As a team we are unified and we come together to
fill that hunger pain. We eat a
little, get a little taste of what we have longed for and then were satisfied
and that hunger goes away. So how
do we keep being hungry for those things we are passionate about? When we feel like this journey seems
like the scenes never change. We
just have to start over every month.
Lord how do I search that hunger that runs deep within me that sometimes
gets thrown water on and is not as strong? How do I hunger longer? That is what this moths looks like fore me. I still hunger to serve those around
me. But I want to wake up everyday
and burn with passion to know his word more intimately and for that word to
pour from within me onto my hands and feet. I want to hunger to be more of him….