What is a Zinc Pre-K, you ask. Well zinc homes are scrap melt houses, that a large population of the town I was in, lived in. So a zinc pre-k is a daycare and preschool that is held in one of these make shift buildings. This month while in Namibia, I was in a “town” that was all zinc homes. I say “town” because technically speaking all the homes that where there are illegal and all the people in them are squatters. So in this illegal village, the team and I got to do one of my favorite things. Hang out with little kids all day!!! Ok so we did more than just hang out. We played, held babies (one had explosive diarrhea on me 5 minutes into the day), sang bible songs, taught them their abc’s, “supervised” recess, and so much more. 

   On our first day at the Pre-k, I looked at these zinc homes with my westerner, teacher eyes. I only saw what they didn’t have. It was probably the third day there (the day these pictures where taken) that I started to see all they did have. Joy, laughter, brains, fun, you get the picture. This month was an eye opener. I started (as cliché as it sounds) to see more with my heart and less with my eyes.