Ask the average Christian what their favorite verse and most of them will quote a verse from Psalms. The Psalms are poem, songs, and pray that tells the reader what’s happing in their lives. At a recent, inter squad meeting called debrief, we’re asked to write two Psalms, one about how the Race was going and the other about where we’re see God taking us. I’d like to share the two I wrote with you and I’d encourage you to write your own. Express your love for the Lord with poetry, with songs, and prayer.
Beginning to Now
Unmoved, unfulfilled, lost; stepping forward, being filled, finding You,
Confused, unable to see You clearly; eyes opened, knowing I know Your face,
Fingers in my ears, body forward, head turned away; Your whispers floating to me, body beholding You, Face lifted up,
You, never stopped loving my fickle heart,
You filled all my empty spaces,
You are making me whole,
You guide me,
You urge me not to turn back to the beginning;
But to press forward to the Now and next.
Who do You want me to BE
You call me out of sin,
BE holy
You call me out on to the water,
BE brave
You call me out on my lies,
BE honest
You call me into love
BE my beloved
You call me into servant hood,
BE humble
You call me into a deeper understanding,
BE wise
You call me closer to you
Be more and more like You,
Be less and less like the masked, shameful, harden me.
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