Last week was the half way mark of our World Race journey. Lets celebrate that!!!


Thank you all for your support financially and in prayer!!! I wouldn’t be on this trip, serving and helping others with out all of you. We all need help from others, there’s a plethora of quotes on it. “No one is useless in this world who lightens the burdens of another.” – Charles Dickens. “No one has ever became poor by giving”-Ann Frank“Love is not patronizing and charity isn’t about pity, it is about love. Charity and love are the same — with charity you give love, so don’t just give money but reach out your hand instead.”- Mother Teresa.


I couldn’t do this mission trip alone. There are layers of people helping me. I have people physically with me helping me through the everyday challenges of life, Thank You team Hephzibah. I am blessed to have people back in the states who help me by loving and supporting me, Thank You family and friends. I have people in America and around the world praying for my team, my squad, and me, Thank You prayer warriors. I also have amazing supporters who generously gave their hard earned money to help fund this mission trip, Thank you supporters!

At the halfway point of this journey, I did two things. One I looked back and saw all that has happened. All the lives I’ve seen changed, the people I’ve had the pleasure of helping, and all the people who have helped me. Two I looked ahead. I still have 5 and half more months of serving and living on the mission field. I’m looking forward to seeing new places, seeing how God will move in my life, and helping others. I am looking ahead to seeing who will come along aside me to help me through the second half of this journey.



Tax season is coming up. One way you can help me, God’s Kingdom, and yourself is by donating to this mission trip. All donations are tax deducible. At the home page of this blog is a place to donate!