Iva, Mimi, and me.


            Before I leave Bulgaria for Macedonia, I remembered all that had happened. I cooked and cleaned. I’ve swept and mopped floors. I served my host, my team, and my God. I built everlasting relationship the people around me. I learned about myself, and what it meant to be part of a team that truly cared for each other.

Before I leave again, I say good-bye. I met and became good friends with two beautiful women named Iva and Mimi. Both of whom gave me amazing advice and guidance. Mimi shared some scripture with me (mark 14) that I’m still studying. Iva prayed for me and over me. I was blessed so much by these two and they are just the beginning. Amy and her husband, our ministry hosts, were incredibly kind and encouraging to me. My team, we have our ups and down, but at the end of the month I can honestly say I love each one of them.

Before leaving again, I want to ask you to pray for my team and I. Each month we get to go to a new place and meet new people. It’s amazing! And don’t get me wrong, we are extremely blessed to be able to do this, but each month we have to say good-bye to people we’ve meant, people we’ve poured out our love to. Then we have to go to a new place and learn their language and cultural norms and poor out our love to them. It’s tiring to be honest; it wears on our hearts to have to say good-bye so many times. So please pray that we lean onto God for our strength, that the love we poor out into the people we meet is God’s love. Pray that people see Jesus instead of Abbigail.




Please pray for others and myself on my team who are still fundraising. My next deadline of $16,561 is due the 30th of November. Please consider partnering with me and the work I am doing by donating. You can help others around the world by donating to this mission.