It’s almost Christmas. Are you counting down the days? Do you have your tree up? Lights hanging outside, a snowman out on the front lawn, maybe cookies baking in the oven and Christmas music playing. While you get cozy by the fire with a cup of hot coco and I’ll tell you a story.

            Once upon a time there was a young woman who left her home, her friends, her family, to follow a calling. She didn’t get a phone call no, it wasn’t that kind of call. It was a calling from God, to go and serve the people of the world, teaching them about Jesus and his love. Now this young woman has been on this trip for 5 months. She has loved the lost, softly taught the hardhearted, and tenderly prayed for so many. She faced pain with courage and loved with open arms. As Christmas draws closer for our wandering woman, she faces homesickness and sadness with honesty.

            Many of you know the Christmas story, no not the movie; no one shoots their eye out in this story. The biblical Christmas story, that’s what I’m talking about, the one about a baby boy who would one day die to save the world. This month I Squad leader Justin asked us to read Luke back wards. This way we would keep the end in mind. Knowing God has a plan and it’ll work out in the end. Our wandering woman needed that reminder in her life as the holidays approach. She needs the reminder the He has the whole world in his hands. For she is feeling sad about missing Christmas with her loved ones. Do you need that reminder? Are the holidays hard for you? Do you stand in the face of pain, homesickness, or sadness? This wandering woman encourages you to face those feelings with God’s truth on your side. Lean on Him.            

Christmas is a time of celebration. Celebrating the birth of our Savior. When He was born, well before He was born, God new that one day He would be put on the cross. As Mary held a sleeping Jesus in her arms the plan to save the world was already in motion. From the moment your mother held you in her arms, no before that, His plan for your life was set into motion.

Sometimes that plan looks like answering a call to go halfway around the world to serve others. Sometimes that plan looks like giving to others around you. Sometimes that plan looks like saying yes to God’s love and opening your heart to a relationship with him.

Once upon a time there was a wandering woman, who answered a call, who is starting to see God’s plan for her life unfold and who is remembering to celebrate Christmas. This wandering woman is me.



P.S. I’m now in Zambia. I’ll be in Africa for the next three months.


Please pray for others and me on my team who are still fundraising. I’, only $3,815 from my goal. Please consider partnering with me and the work I am doing by donating. You can help others around the world by donating to this mission.