


            My name is Abbie Perez, and I’m from Lewisburg, Tennessee. My parents are Gilberto and Amalia Perez. I am a senior TESL (Teaching English as a Second Language) major at Union University and am graduating this May.


            I’m blessed to have been raised in a gospel-centered home. I made the decision to follow Christ as my Lord and Savior at age 7, and I was called to be a leader in ministry at age 16.   I’ve fallen in love with the Gospel as it has come alive to me through my ministry experiences.  From youth group mission trips, to working summer camps, and to serving in college ministries, the Gospel is constantly changing my life as I seek opportunities to make the Gospel come to life for others.


 Since I began college, I knew that I would take some time to do long-term missions before establishing myself. After a semester of praying and seeking the Lord’s guidance, He has led me to participate in the World Race for the next year. The World Race is an 11 month mission trip to 11 different countries around the world. I’ll be traveling with a group of young adults through Eastern Europe, Southern Africa, and South America starting in September 2015 and coming back in August 2016. We will be partnering with several churches, ministries, and gospel-centered organizations to serve different people groups. While serving them, we’ll be showing them the love of Christ and sharing the gospel.


            Responding to this call has been one of the hardest decisions of my life. I know that it will be hard leaving behind family, friends, and the comforts of home. I know that this experience will be difficult and challenging at times. I also know, however, that God has been preparing me for this in various ways throughout my life. The chance to respond to this call is most humbling because I will be a witness to the works of His kingdom. Through this, I am going to be changed.


            I am sending you and your family this letter to ask you to partner with me as I prepare for this calling. Firstly, I would appreciate your prayers for me and my family. This is vital for any of this to take place. Secondly, I would like to ask you to consider being a financial partner in this ministry. I am not just asking for money to fund a trip around the world. I am asking you to take part in a ministry of feeding the hungry and giving to the poor while giving them the most valuable thing they can receive: the Gospel. Any amount you could give would be greatly appreciated and certainly blessed by the Lord, whether it is a one-time gift, a monthly gift, or a prayer.


            Thank you so much for taking the time to read this! Furthermore, please contact me at [email protected] if you have any questions or would like to personally communicate with me about my ministry opportunity. I would love to speak with you, your family, and even your church community. I cannot wait to share my journey with you!





Abbie Perez


“However, I consider my life worth nothing to me; my only aim is to finish the race and complete the task the Lord Jesus has given to me-the task of testifying to the good news of God’s grace” Acts 20:24