Fundraising. The one thing I NEVER wanted to do. Now, I feel like it is taking over my life and I kind of like it.

   To be honest, I do let myself get stressed about fundraising for the World Race and sometimes it is in an unhealthy way, but then God shows me once again, that He is in control.  And let’s just be real, I’m probably going to have to relearn this lesson a couple more times throughout this fundraising process.  

  Support has not really come from where I expected it to come from so far, which was discouraging. But now I’m realizing, that this ,in itself, is a way for God to wake me up to His community. I feel like He is teaching me what it really means to open my eyes and see His people, His work.

   It is amazing when someone emails you and says “Hey Abbie, we met at (such and such place that one time) and I would like to support you on your mission trip.”   Or “Hey Abbie I know we haven’t seen each other in like 10 years, but yeah I want to be a prayer partner for the World Race.”  It is one of the most humbling feelings in the world. It makes me silent. It makes me feel small. It really is a gentle yet overwhelming reminder that God‘s work and love go beyond the little box of my life.

    I went to my childhood church this past Sunday, and left completely in shock on how the Lord encouraged me through those people. Immediately after sharing about the World Race, these church members came up to me ready to give anything they could. My breath was taken by the love of Christ this church was pouring out towards me. It was so strange to me; I felt so small. I hadn’t seen these people in years and yet they were ready to support me. Fundraising is changing me.

    Every time I get up in front of a group of people or a church (which I plan to keep doing a lot more of)   my favorite part is watching the smile come across their face once I start sharing about the World Race.  I always have to remind myself that they’re not smiling for me. They’re rejoicing because the gospel is being spread around the World.

    It’s been really cool seeing where support comes from.  It reminds me to just take some time to stop, look, and appreciate God’s community where I am. It is amazing to think that the gospel can connect me to anybody. We are God’s people, and once you have the gospel, you have that desire to share it with the World. God has to keep reminding me that, this isn’t just my mission, it’s everyone’s. I just need to wake up and make sure I don’t miss out on it where I am right now.