To quote Dora the Explorer “We did it! We did it! HOORAY! Lo hicimos! We did it!”

Today I am at 100% funded! Honestly, it is still sinking in.

Now, I need to become equipped physically. Some of whom I have shared this with were disappointed, since they had planned to support.    

NEVER FEAR I STILL NEED GEAR. Simple things like tents, sleeping bags, clothing, an airline ticket to Georgia, and the essentials to live out of a backpack for 9 months.  If you do not mind making a non-tax deductible donation directly to my parents or myself to help cover these items that would truly be wonderful. 

If you do want to donate for a tax deduction, my friend, Lacey Olson, is doing this same trip and is not fully funded yet. Her website is 

Most importantly, we need prayer. Right now, we are preparing for a training camp in Georgia from July 19th-28th. 

Thank you so much for all you have done! 


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