Some people are gifted with their words. Unfortunately, I am not one of those people, so instead I like to quote people. My squadmate, Jayden (, puts it perfectly about how I am feeling in this time before the race begins. 



“It seems just like yesterday when my Mom called me in her room to see the new Gap Year trip Adventures In Missions put up. Believe it or not, that was last october! 11 months ago. Ever since I clicked “submit” on that application my life began to change. So much has happened in those months and the journey has been difficult, humbling, amazing, and an adventure in itself. In that time I graduated high school, raised about $12,500, went to training camp, said goodbye to all my friends, and now I’m here. One week away. 

7 more days to…

  • sleep in a bed
  • see my family
  • have a warm shower
  • eat what I want
  • watch tv
  • live my comfortable lifestyle

I’ve realized during this 11 months that there’s so much to be scared of, worried about, and to stress out about. The list is endless on the race. But the more important thing I’ve also realized is that God’s called me to this trip and I’m ready to answer. I’m not at it alone. I have all of you at home, my team and squad with me and God himself by my side the whole time. I can’t wait to see what God has in store for me this next 9 months. This is an amazing opportunity and nothing will hold me back from living this to the fullest. I’m ready to jump right in head first and put my trust in him. So bring on the bucket showers, bugs, homesickness, struggles, sickness, and lack of wifi! 11 months later, here I am! The talking is over and it’s finally time to do it. There is nothing else in the whole world that I would rather be doing. One week away. 

7 days until I get to…

  • experience God’s love in ways I can’t imagine
  • see the world
  • change lives
  • do God’s work
  • be family with my amazing team
  • live simply and remove the distractions from what’s important in life
  • try new things
  • meet amazing people
  • live in to my calling

As long as the list of worries and dangers is the list of amazing things I will experience and positive aspects will always be infinitely larger. Am I nervous, scared, and freaking out? YES! It would be weird if I wasn’t, but I’ve never been more excited in my life and I know this is where I need to be. Please pray for me and my team as we begin this adventure! “