Being on the the Worldrace Gap Year trip has brought many opportunities may way! Some days are complete adventures and other days are pretty normal. So far here are some things I thought I would never do or happen.
Guatemala edition –
Things I never thought would happen:
- Become an English teacher
- Fall in love with so many children
- Learn to build a road/dig so much
- Be so glad I took 3 years of Spanish
- Help host a soccer camp, even though I can’t play soccer
- Accidentally joined a gang (Don’t worry I corrected my mistake).
- Walk EVERYWHERE (to the market, the store, to get wifi, pretty much anywhere outside the house)
- Fast for 3 days
- Live with 14 other people
- Cook for 21 people (We had guests!)
- Hike the Mayan ruins
- Take christmas pictures at those ruins!
- Love thrift stores so much (MEGA PECA)
- Get used to the rain
- Feel so at home in a foreign country
- Push 3 bunk beds together to make one giant bed.
- Let 6 other ladies become my family.
Thailand edition –
Things I never thought would happen:
- Become so aquatinted with being passed a microphone
- Sing ALL the time (if you know me, this is not necessarily a good thing).
- Sing in a grocery store
- Do 2-3 hour performances at MANY different schools.
- Still be teaching English
- Teach the Bible
- Heal someone
- Wear skirts so often
- Be so excited to get a new skirt
- Use a squatty potty
- Be so excited for hot water
- Eat rice for breakfast, lunch, and dinner
- Be so excited for noodles!
- Eat fruits called rose apples.
- Like eating fish
- Be offered squid eggs
- Teach some Thai people how to cook spaghetti
- Live with an YWAM team for 2-1/2 weeks
- Touch and elephant/ feed one right outside our house
- Go to a floating Market
- See my parents in Thailand (Next month!!!)
- Have a pet squirrel
- Become so much closer to 5 ladies I thought I already knew
Here are some pictures I have been meaning to post, but have not been able too!