There comes a time where there is a turning point. A point when you reach the end of your resources, plans and hopes. All that's left is to trust that the Lord is there, that He will provide, that He will show up, that He will come through. 

I don't think there really is a question to whether He will provide for you, the bigger question is whether you are following the plan He has for you. Is this the road that He would have you follow or is it simply the road that you desire. Not to say that every desire we have is selfish in nature, but we ought to see if it comes into alignment with the Lord's desires for us. Our desire ought to be to seek after God's desires for us.

He designed us and created us each individually and uniquely and yet we don't trust him with his plans for us. We resolve to be our own gods, thinking that we know the best for our own lives. We grab at control that we never can truly have and then we blame God for our failures or situations that weren't included in our plan.

What if we walked with our hands wide open as we walked down the road? Releasing the direction to the Lord. We are able to walk down our own path if we choose and perhaps enjoy it, but we will miss out on the wonder of walking in the midst of his will. 

Perhaps you will discover the freedom and joy that comes in the process of becoming the person you were created to be. You are able to do incredible things when your reality lines up with his will. The process may be difficult and painful as you are releasing the desires of the flesh, but the reward of the giving life to the spirit far outweighs the momentary pain and temporary suffering. 

Stop clinging to the things that you think you need to live a happy and successful life and release them in exchange for a will in the light of eternity.