As I lay here in the comfort of my own room, in my own bed, with family across the hall and downstairs, I can hardly believe that the day has come. I remember the day when I was anxiously awaiting the phone call to confirm my acceptance or rejection to the race. I remember nearly peeing my pants when I met my first deadline and again when I met the second, wondering how in the world it was possible to raise $3,500 or $7,500, let alone $15,000. I remember plans changing, routes changing, expectations changing. The last year has been quite a journey in and of itself. In the last 2 months alone, I have graduated college, welcomed a nephew into the world and taken a trip to Georgia to meet fellow squadmates and find out what in the world I've gotten myself into. It seems crazy looking back at all the times I was anxiously waiting to finally go.

Well, friends, today is the day. The day is here. In the morning, I will be on my way to Atlanta to begin the journey I have been waiting for. On Wednesday July 3rd, I will depart for Bulgaria, where I will begin an 11 month journey around the world. It is hard to describe how I feel about it so far, as I don't think the reality has set in yet, that I'm leaving…tomorrow. I will be gone, away from my home, my family, my friends, my comfort. So begins a process of grieving the many beautiful people that I will miss dearly while I am away. So begins I journey that I once thought impossible. So begins a new chapter is what is called life. So begins a process of learning what it really means to be a disciple or follower of the Lord.

Only last week I felt so overwhelmed by all the things that needed to be taken care of before I left. Things like student loans or getting my passport and visa back from the Indian Embassy in time to leave, and paying bills and such, had left me wondering 'Is this trip really going to happen?'. One thing after the next seemed fall into place in a way that confirmed that this is what I am supposed to be doing.

I am continually amazed at how the Lord has been faithful to provide. I am currently just above my second deadline of $7500 and am quite a ways from the next deadline of $11,000 on October 1st, but seeing the Lord provide in so many different ways these past few months gives me confidence to meet the next deadline and eventually to be fully funded by January 1st.

If your reading this right now, no doubt you have played a role in helping this to happen. Your prayers, encouragement and support has meant more than you could know. Thank you thank you thank you. I look forward to beginning this journey with you all.