I was 15 the first time I heard about World Race. The concept was both new and exciting to me! The idea of 11 countries in 11 months sounded so challenging, yet fulfilling. You can imagine that I was even more thrilled to realize that they offered trips of all lengths to many different countries. During my first semester in college, I saw the opportunity for college students and short term missions, and I was thrilled! Also during this time my BCM  (Baptist Collegiate Ministries) director was doing a series over missions and had many missionaries come and speak to us about their experiences. The point that was most influential to me is that sometimes as Christians we wait for that specific calling to go somewhere on a trip when in reality we are a called to go, and that was set before us in the Great Commission! As college students we are capable to go share the Word of God to the “ends of the earth” and I wanted to fully take advantage of the opportunity!  What better way to grow in this vital time in my life! the idea to me was to just be faithful and take that step and apply. I knew that if it was not in God’s will for me to go, that the door would close and i would have my answer. It was that simple! Thankfully, God opened the door for me to go! I am especially thankful that I get to go to India! Some of the most inspiring missionaries I have met have spent many years there! I ask that you guys would be in prayer for the beautiful people of India as we grow closer to to trip! Pray that God would begin to prepare their hearts and that they would be open to hearing the gospel.