WOW!!! We have been in Ecuador a little over a week, WOAH!! So much has happened, and I’ve already learned SO much not only about myself but about culture, community, God, and the word. At home I told myself I was “too busy” to sit down and read the bible, study, and listen to what God was saying to me because sometimes it was things I didn’t want to hear. Here we don’t have a choice and I love that, I guess we kind of do but that’s not the point.
ANYWAYS, we have morning devotions at 7:30 and it’s so glorious I look forward to it daily, even though I sometimes wish I could stay in my cozy bed and sleep in. Recently I have been reading in Luke, I was reading the last half of chapter six in specific. This spoke volumes to me, if you haven’t read it, or it’s been a while, or you just have some free time I HIGHLY recommend it!
A part that really spoke to me was love for enemies. WOW! How hard is it to love your enemies, or those who have done you wrong? It’s so easy for us to respond by swearing them out or doing wrong to them to “get even” but why? The word literally tells us to love our enemies, do good to them, and lend to them without expecting anything in return. Jesus lived this way and He was the perfect child of God and our role model and although we will never be Jesus, we should strive to be like Him. The word also says we are to be kind to the wicked and ungrateful, we are to be merciful just as our Father is merciful.